Sunday, July 22, 2018

What I Know.

I know that my Father will never leave me, He will never forsake me.
I know He always waits for me, however far I wander off.
I know He waits for me to turn and see - there He is.  Waiting.
I know that in times of despair I would be wise to run to Him.
I know His Spirit that He left with us wants to surround me and bless me with the peace that passes understanding.

What I do. 
I wander off, distracted by a shiny thing, a bird, a butterfly...
I run off in fear.
I curl up under my blanket and just wait for the minutes to tick by - in my despair.
I cover my ears with my hands and sing, lalalalalalalala, I can't hear You - in my failure to walk in my faith.
I think there is no one to hear me, I feel alone - not remembering Your promises

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